BP Bulk Delete

BP Bulk Delete

A BuddyPress Admin Tool plugin for bulk deletions of Activity, Group Activity, Notifications and Messages.

BP xProfile Location

BP xProfile Location

Provide members with auto-completed address fields. Addresses are verified by Google. Works on Profile and Registration pages. GeoCode option too!

BP Maps for Members

BP Maps for Members

Create uniform addresses for your members. Maps are created for each member. A map showing all Members is also included.

BP Maps for Groups

BP Maps for Groups

Easily add locations and maps to your Groups. Maps are created for Single Groups. A map showing all Groups is also included.

BP Simple Private Pro

BP Simple Private Pro

Protect your Private content. Send non-logged-in visitors to a custom URL. And encourage them to register for your site.

BP Simple Private

BP Simple Private

Prevent non-logged-in users from being able to view Private content. Protect your Pages, Posts and BuddyPress sections.

BP Messages Tool

BP Messages Tool

Allow site administrators to view any Message from a wp-admin screen.

BuddyPress Simple Events Pro

BuddyPress Simple Events Pro

Allow members to create, edit and delete Events from their profile. This Pro version also supports Search, an Attending button, uploading Images and Group assignment.

BP Local Avatars

BP Local Avatars

Generate Gravatar avatars for all your members and groups and store them locally with this free plugin.



The ability to turn data into visual representations can be very helpful. If you need a clear picture about what your members are actually doing on your site, then this tool is essential.



Quick, easy way to insert Profile data into the Members loop. Visibility settings are honored per member. You don’t need to write code to harness Profile data!